Friday, September 23, 2011

My dream job

To be a marine Biologist
            To be a marine biologist, I have to take basic biology, zoology, chemistry, physics, biometrics, mathematics, and statistics are the most common ones, and basic ones to becoming a marine biologist.  Also, English is also important, because I have to record data and take notes.  I will need to go to the schools in pacific coast, where there are fisheries and biological oceanography.  There are a lot of schools and here are most of them: Fisheries at the University of Washington in Seattle; the University of California programs at San Diego (Scripps Institution of Oceanography), Davis, Santa Barbara, and Santa Cruz; the Department of Fisheries and Wildlife or Department of Oceanography at Oregon State University in Corvallis; and Humboldt State University in California.  Utah State University at Logan has a good program in freshwater aquatic biology and fisheries.+
  In the Midwest, strong schools in the aquatic sciences include the University of Michigan, Michigan State University, the University of Minnesota, and the University of Wisconsin.  On the East Coast, some of the schools that offer marine programs are the University of Miami, University of Rhode Island, University of Massachusetts, University of Georgia, the University of Maryland (Chesapeake Biological Lab),and Cornell. On the Gulf Coast, Texas A & M University has fisheries and wildlife program at its main campus and a strong program on marine biology at its Galveston campus. Other southern or Gulf universities include Louisiana State University and Auburn University in Alabama, which has a good aquaculture program.  There are a lot of them, but I don’t know which to choose.  For a degree, I would need a bachelor for a starting degree, and then I would later on need a PhD.  I would find actually no school that specializes in marine biology and I would have to go to places that have parts of it and move from Santa Cruz to Hawaii.   The employee for a marine biologist is not looking good, because not many people are hiring. 

Friday, September 16, 2011

France bans public prayers out on streets.

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  I have to disagree with what France is doing.  The French government is kind of being prejudice against the Muslim people who have the right of praying wherever they want.  Abdul Aziz is pleased with the news of having their own place to pray.  Mohamed Hamza a righteous leader the only reason that there are people on the street is because they have no space.  Now that the french government had given them the space, Hamza says that people will not have a problem staying in doors.  As of some of the Muslims, they are not happy about that, and believe that it is a move against their religion, and racism towards them. 
  As I am reading the comments on the YouTube page, I hear that a lot of people are agreeing with this move, because they are Christan and say that you the Muslims are worshipping Satan or the devil....  As an atheists, I cannot speak for anyone or have a say in this, but I think that the people who are judging  the Muslims are wrong.  Just because they believe in a different religion and pray for a different god, doesn't make them bad people.  But then there are other people who disagree with this, for example, marine Le Pen is the leader of the french national front, and disagrees with this.  The French national front believe that everyone should have their own rights, and that everyone should be together in harmony.  As also in the comments are people who also disagree with this.  They believe that people should have the right to pray where ever they want.  As of me i say again I have no say in this and this is only my opinion

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

About me!

Hello fellow blogger!
My name is Justin Guan.  I have created this blog "One world many stories"  as this is my first blog I would like to introduce myself as of right now.  I am 15 years old of right now.  I was born on August 21 1996 in Oakland hospital.  I am Chinese with my parents from southern china, and came to America 1984 speaking nothing but Cantonese. My mom and dad are the oldest children of both their families, and I was a single child.  I was really spoiled, being given whatever I want.  As I grew up,  to age 8, I been to Disney Land at least 6 times. Then at 9 years old, I started swimming, and became very competitive with my cousin who was 2 months younger.  my cousin and I spend a lot of time together at each others houses.  We told each other secretes and trusted each other with valuables, told each other which girls we liked and what we think about.  We spent A lot time together, we started playing Yu-gi-oh at with each other.  Then we started to play video games a lot.  From game boys to game cubes.  From Runescape to Starcraft II to Minecraft and to League of legends.  Each year as school starts we try to keep in touch at after swimming classes and facebook.  We were not able to spend as much time together as we used to, but we enjoy each others company still.    At 10 years old, i fractured my leg before winter break and cried non-stop.
As I started Middle school, I was very excited, because I thought I would be very mature, but the more I thought about it, I felt more naive.  With many embarrassing situations, it felt like it would be a long time before I grow up.  As through middle school, I met my best friends, met a couple of "not so friendly people" and wandered off into a place where I felt like I could do whatever I want.  Then came High School!  At freshmen year became the best year I had.  I had Exciting times and would relive all of it if i had the chance.  I made more new friends and enjoyed the freedom of going off campus to eat lunch!  I considered it "Fun to be at school"  thou the only problems are that I was scared of getting bad grades, kept on considering that High school will tell me which college I will go to and how successful i will be in my future.  I felt really panicked with the pressure,but then I wanted to enjoy school as much as possible. 

As I am ending this first post. I will admit I am not smart, but surely not dumb.  I maybe a procrastinator, but a hard worker.  For I believe that all people are good.  There is no such thing as a bad person, for they are all standing up for what they believe in and what they stand for.  When reading about the holy wars, It asked "How can both sides claim god is on their side?" Well I been trying to understand that for a long time, with no success.  For me I do not believe in god, but I respect other cultures.
I appreciate all of you for reading this.  I am sorry if I bored you.
~~~7billion people live in the world as of today
~~~ an average person talks 20,000 words a day
~~~people in the world speak 140,000,000,000,000 words a day
Why don't you type down a few of those words?

Justin Guan