Friday, September 16, 2011

France bans public prayers out on streets.

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  I have to disagree with what France is doing.  The French government is kind of being prejudice against the Muslim people who have the right of praying wherever they want.  Abdul Aziz is pleased with the news of having their own place to pray.  Mohamed Hamza a righteous leader the only reason that there are people on the street is because they have no space.  Now that the french government had given them the space, Hamza says that people will not have a problem staying in doors.  As of some of the Muslims, they are not happy about that, and believe that it is a move against their religion, and racism towards them. 
  As I am reading the comments on the YouTube page, I hear that a lot of people are agreeing with this move, because they are Christan and say that you the Muslims are worshipping Satan or the devil....  As an atheists, I cannot speak for anyone or have a say in this, but I think that the people who are judging  the Muslims are wrong.  Just because they believe in a different religion and pray for a different god, doesn't make them bad people.  But then there are other people who disagree with this, for example, marine Le Pen is the leader of the french national front, and disagrees with this.  The French national front believe that everyone should have their own rights, and that everyone should be together in harmony.  As also in the comments are people who also disagree with this.  They believe that people should have the right to pray where ever they want.  As of me i say again I have no say in this and this is only my opinion

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